Sunday, June 2, 2013

I am a Cannabis Advocate, I will not be fooled into thinking that there is a plant is we should not utilize! We are free souvenir people, we just need to stand up and show the world that we are; so they can rejoice! I am calling for other CA's to #OccupyHempFarms

#OccupyHempFarms to show the idiocrazy of our so called democrazy find a farmer willing to use civil disobedience and occupy his farm documenting everyone living there if the police come document the idiocy

#OccupyHempFarms Some farm will be able to grow a house! That would show the world what we can do if we fully utilize the industrial purposes of hemp! Food Clothes Shelter with 1000s+ car wind turbine gun hydroelectric turbine plow machinery lath currency 

#OccupyHempFarms create a local Currency to support your occupation find local businesses that want to support/accept currency print on hemp paper and pay all the people involved in the Occupation. Receive money by asking for investments in the project, local currency is issued for a time or money investment in occupation #GreenBacked

#OccupyHempFarms occupy this summer and get ready for a planting next year get infrastructure set up to promote the event and raise money to build the spaces to accommodate the occupation get needed machinery for harvest get seeds create local currency #GreenBacked

#GreenBacked create a local time based currency that represents a investment in green technology and human intelligence #OccupyHempFarms fund and promote with GBs help communities provide everything they need with renewable resources

#CHU create new green cities that grow themselves connect them selves with farms building high speed trains with the crop start with a University that is initially devoted to growing/building hemp the housing labs classrooms for the students and professors Co-Housing University #GreenBacked #OccupyHempFarms

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